Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from June 2018, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.
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Searching Free Classifieds USA

USA Free Classifieds

Frequently Asked Questions
How much does it cost to post a classified ad?
It's free! Posting classified ads is free, regardless of the category or region in which the ad is posted.
Is an accout required to post a classified ad?
Yup. See below for instructions on how to create a free account.
How do I create an account?
To create an account, please visit the logon page: Please fill out only the bottom section titled "Create New Account". You won't do anything with the top section titled "Existing Account". You will need to put in your email address, password, select your default region, check the box to agree to terms and conditions and privacy policy, and then click the "Create Account" button and not the "Login" button, as shown in this image. Once you have filled that information out, you will receive a verification email (you may need to check your "Junk/Spam" folder). Click the link in the verification email, and you will be able to login and post ads.
I have an account, but I can't login. Help!
Please make sure you have created an account (see above) and that you have verified that account by clicking on the link in the verification email. Also, ensure you are filling out the "Existing Account" section and not the "Create a New Account" section, as shown in this image. See below for instructions how resetting your password, if necessary.
How do I reset my password?
Please note your password is case sensitive. If you need to reset your password, please visit the password reset page and follow the instructions there.
How do I post a classified ad?
To create a new classified ad, click the "Post New Ad" button. This will take you to the ad creation page. When posting an ad, several fields are required and can only contained certain types of data. You must select a region, category, and put something in the title, description and price boxes. The price box can only have numbers in it (eg 5.00). If any of these requirements are not met, you should see a message detailing the problem. If you don’t have any images to post to your ad, click the “Preview” button. To post an image to your ad, first click on the "Click Here to Add Images" button. The image uploader will appear. Next you can either click the "Browse" button on the upper left hand corner of the image uploader, or you can click on the box inside the uploader that says "Click Browse to add Photo". Both of those buttons will allow you to select an image off your computer. Once you have selected the image(s) you would like to upload, click the "Preview Ad" button. This will show you how your ad will look when it is posted. If everything looks good, click the "Looks Good! Post Ad" button. If you need to make any changes, click the "Whoops! Edit Ad." Button.
How do I edit my classified ad?
To edit your classified ad, login to your account. You will see a list of your classified ads. On the right side of this list is an "Edit" icon. It looks like a small pencil. Click on the "Edit" icon of the classified ad you wish to submit. You are now on the ad edit screen. You can make changes to the ad here.
How do I delete my classified ad?
To delete a classified ad, login to your account. You will see a list of all your classified ads. This list shows all your classified ads and some information about them. The column farthest to the right has a "delete" icon. Click on the "Delete" icon and you will receive a confirmation message asking if you want to delete the ad. On the confirmation message, click on the "Get rid of it." button, and your add will be deleted. .
How long will my classified ad be posted?
Ads are valid for 90 days. After 90 days you will be given the option to repost the ad for another 90 days, and so on until you delete the ad or choose not to repost it.
Why was my classified ad flagged?
Ads are flagged for a variety of reasons, most commonly for being similar to or a duplicate of an ad you already have posted. Feedback from our users has overwhelmingly indicated that they do not like seeing duplicate ads. Therefore, they are not allowed.
My classified ad's status is "Pending". What the heck does that mean?
Ads are available on the site immediately after posting, but will go through an approval process. It is during this process that the classified ad is in the "Pending" status. The process usually only takes a few minutes, and your classified ad is viewable during it. This process simply helps ensure the classified ad does not violate any of our terms of use, spam, etc guidelines. If the classified ad violates any of the guidelines, it is removed. If it is not in violation it will automatically be moved from the "Pending" status to the "Posted" status.
My classified ad's status is "Waitin on you!". Huh?
It is in the "Preview" mode. You just need to check out if all the information is correct and finish submitting it. Follow the instructions above for editing an ad.
I want to post a classified ad, but don't see my city/region. Can you add it?
Maybe. Submit your region and we'll consider it!
I want to post a classified ad, but don't see an appropriate category for my item. Can you add it?
Perhaps. Submit your category and we'll think about it!
Do you have any funny videos about
It just so happens we do, thank you for asking. Check out this video.
Didn't get your question answered? Hit us up here.